The Ticket Dispenser is a piece of hardware in the Moviik ecosystem that displays available services and issues tickets for the services of a branch.
This device is the first point of contact between the customer and the queue management system, starting the customer journey by screening visitors and organizing queues.
This section is used to define which services are enabled on the Ticket Dispenser.
There is a toggle to Activate All Services, which enables all services and makes them available to select on the Ticket Dispenser
In this section branch administrators can set a custom home page timeout in seconds. This enables Ticket Dispensers left unattended to reset their screen automatically.
In this section you can choose the information that is displayed in the Ticket Dispenser Ticket Button; whether or not to Show service description, Show tickets ahead, and Show time expected or not.
Here you can define the type and format of data to be printed on the ticket.
You have the options of Show service name; Show service description; Show logo; Show tickets ahead (and you can customize the text that is printed on the ticket); Show arrival date and time (the text printed on the ticket is also customizable here); and Show QR Code (and you can customize the Label and the QR code URL too).
This tab holds information and controls to modify the layout and appearance of the buttons for tickets or services in Ticket Dispensers.
Using the tools available, you can modify the appearance of the Ticket Buttons to better suit your business needs and design language.
In this section users can set a custom background color, a texture image, and a custom font family.
In the image above, the background color is set to black, with a texture image applied, and the Roboto font family selected.
Here users can define the height (in a percentage value, relative to the device screen height), and a left & right gap (also in percentage value) for the ticket dispenser header. Users can define a top & bottom gap, a custom background color, an overlay image and its placement, show local time and date and select a custom font color for the header text.
Values entered into the example above:
In this section users can define the left & right gap, top & bottom gap, row spacing (all in percentage value), and a custom background color.
Here you can customize the appearance of service buttons on the ticket dispenser screen.
The first usable control is a preview of how the ticket button will display on the device:
It is possible to adjust the amount of space taken up by the different elements of the ticket button, and it's possible to customize each of these elements individually.
Ticket Buttons have the following elements:
Selecting an element on the ticket button allows you to edit its properties. To open the modal window to edit the properties of an element, click the edit button (pencil icon).
For the Service Prefix element, you can customize the font size, weight, and color; the cell color; and the text alignment.
You can define the Column gap (in percentage) and the Corner radius (in pixels), and you can toggle the following options on or off:
In this section you can customize the appearance and layout of group buttons in functionality and appearance (similar to ticket buttons).
Group buttons only show up in the Ticket Dispenser interface if they are enabled in the Logic tab of the Ticket Dispenser being configured.
The settings that can be altered are:
In the final section of the Appearance tab, users can define the height of the footer, a left & right gap, a top & bottom gap, a custom background color, an overlay image, and the alignment of the image relative to the screen.
This tab has the controls to customize the text that appears on the ticket dispenser displays.
This section allows you to assign a title to the ticket dispenser screen and a custom text color, to set the font size, and the text alignment relative to the screen.
This section allows you to type a paragraph to display when a ticket is issued. The message can be enabled or disabled by clicking the Show message checkbox.
In the Forms section you can customize the text in the Previous, Next, and Submit buttons.
In the paragraph field, you can type a custom message to display on the ticket dispenser when a service is not available. You can choose the text color, its alignment relative to the device screen, and the text size (in pixels).
Customize Popup Dialogs that appear when using certain parts of the software.
Here you can customize the Regular and the Priority ticket buttons.
Configure and customize the priority ticket policy, if required.